Microprocessor dispatch centralization (MP DC) is a new type of system designed to control the movement of trains on mainline and industrial railway transport within dispatch areas, automating the main functions of a train dispatcher. Through the use of modern telemechanics, microelectronics and computer technology, MP DC provides increased efficiency train traffic control. The system includes the functions of traditional dispatch centralization systems in railway transport, as well as new functions based on modern information technologies. Designed for the use of relay and microprocessor automation devices at stations and stages. MP DC is one of the information and control automated systems for controlling continuous-discrete technological processes with a high level of information power and functional reliability.
Microprocessor-based dispatch centralization is used for:
- Organization of dispatch control and management at the site during the organization, transfer or modernization of dispatcher workplaces;
- Control of neighboring stations with the reference one;
- Organization of regional and/or road dispatch control centers with the integration of dispatcher workplaces into an information network;
- Transferring information about the state of dispersed management and control objects to higher-level and adjacent systems in real time.
Functions of microprocessor dispatch centralization
- Display of information and interaction of the dispatch device with the MP DC of the site;
- Interaction with MP DC of neighboring landfills (sections, hubs, large marshalling, district and passenger stations);
- Interaction with other information control systems (telemechanics, power supply, automatic control system, etc.).
Logging of work:
- Recording the control actions of the dispatcher apparatus;
- Recording train conditions;
- Fixing malfunctions of the MP DC equipment and associated systems;
- Recording the results of routine checks and diagnostics of the system during initial boot and when restoring functionality after failures;
- Accumulation and archiving of traffic data with access.
Monitoring the operational train situation on the section, modeling and forecast train schedule:
- Visualization of information about the train situation, the state and operating modes of signaling devices, the schedule of the executed movement and the performance indicators of the
- dispatcher in a visual and convenient form;
- Providing the dispatcher with information, reference and signaling information necessary for making decisions on managing the transportation process;
- Maintaining train position models;
- Analysis and forecast of train traffic.
Self-diagnosis and diagnostics of SZhAT devices:
- Maintaining reliability parameters of MP DC technical equipment at a given level;
- Maintaining information reliability parameters at a given level;
- Reduced time to repair damage.
Management and control of the state of SZhAT objects:
- Tele-alarm system;
- Telecontrol;
- Automatic control of SZhAT devices (together with other subsystems).