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On the necessity of using risk-oriented approaches in the development of rail transport infrastructure control systems   

Author: Ph.D. Gaievskyi V. – Director of LLC SPE Railwayautomatic

Article for the scientific-practical journal RAILWAY TRANSPORT OF UKRAINE – № 2 (147), 2023 y.

Keywords: RAMS, functional safety, reliability, human factor, risk-oriented approaches.

The safety of train traffic and the protection of the health and safety of service personnel and passengers is of crucial importance for the railway industry, which is currently being reformed and developed to meet the new needs of freight and passenger transportation on new logistics routes. Transport risk is always the result of many factors, both subjective and objective. It existed, exists and will exist, is an objective reality, and the problem of ensuring the functioning of transport systems will always be relevant…

You can read the full text of the article on issue pages.
